Day 25 〣 Colorado Trail Journal

by | Aug 29, 2020

1.9 miles today
416.3 miles total

Probably my shortest day on trail.

I woke up a little later, but through the tent I could tell it was not as sunny as it should be for that time of morning. And sure enough the sky was completely grey and raining ? it’s not fun packing up a cold we tent, but I decided to just keep moving forward because today I was going into town and I would at some point get a nice hot shower ?

As I approached the trailhead in the rain, I was trying to figure out how I was going to hitch a ride into town. Then right when I got there someone in their car asked me, “So you need anything? Food, water, anything?”

I said, “I could really use a ride into town.” And immediately they said, “I can do that! Hop in!” So they drove me 7 miles and I didn’t have to wait a second in the rain! Trail magic is real and it’s a beautiful thing ❤️

Resupplying in Silverton for the rest of the day, then back on the trail in the morning to complete the last 4 segments in 4 days. Almost at the finish line! ?