Day 13 〣 Colorado Trail Journal

by | Aug 15, 2020

16.6 miles today
217 miles total

I hate hiking over rocks.

The first 2.8 miles of the hike today was a crazy incline up to Lake Ann Pass. I lost the trail in a rock field, and when I came out the other side I had to scale the mountain side straight up to find the trail again. It really was insane! At one point I may have uttered the phrase, “I hate everybody!” ? Trails through rock fields are there worst. It’s a sprained ankle waiting to happen and it takes every bit of focus you have to get through them safely.

It took everything in me to get to the top. I’m basically a snail when it comes to inclines (I blame my Florida lungs!), but walking over all those lose rocks, while gaining 1000ft in elevation, on the steep side of a mountain, with 30lbs on my back was definitely enough excitement for one day!